Note: In Picture Green indicates Mercury owned House, Red Mars, Yellow Jupiter, Orange Sun, White for Venus and Moon, Black Saturn. It gives details regarding Auspicious planets and malefics for different Lagna born. Natural benefics Venus, Jupiter, Mercury (not associated with malefics), Waxing Moon Natural Malefics Mars, Saturn, Sun, Rahu & Ketu, Mercury(which is associated with Malefics), Waning Moon INCREASING ORDER OF BENEFICS OFFERED BY PLANETS MARS→→SATURN→→SUN→→WEAK MOON→→FULL MOON→→ILL ASSOCIATED MERCURY→→WELL ASSOCIATED MERCURY→→JUPITER→→VENUS Mars is the deadliest Planet whereas the Venus is most beneficial planet 1,4,7,10 Houses are Kendras-- à House of Happiness à Lords of the House bless with Happiness 5,9 Houses are Konas -- à House of Wealth- à Lords of the House bless with Wealth 2,5,8,11 Houses à Cadent Houses or Panaparas 3,6,9,12 Houses -- à Succeedent Houses or Apoklimas 3,6,10,11 Houses - à Upachayas Yog...