Navamsa chart:  Chart to Magnify the planet positon in the Sign/Rasi

Each sign is assigned 30 degrees. There are twelve sign/rasi and total 12*30 its 360 degree.
Navamsa Chart is the one in which each sign/rasi is divided into 9 equal parts 30/9=3.33 degrees. Each Navamsa is 3.33 degress
For Movable (Chara) Rasi (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) the first Navamsa will be of the same sign and then the next navamsa belongs to next sign.

E.g: Consider Mercury in Ashwini Nakshatra 3 Pada then  in Navamsa its in sign Gemini
       Jupiter in Ayilyam N akshatra 2 Pada then in Navamsa its in Capricorn Sign

Check the image below you can find easily the Navamsa

Sthira Rasi (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)  the first Navamsa will start from the 9th sign.
Check the image below you can find easily the Navamsa
E.g Consider Venus in Taurus Sign Rohini Nakshatra 4 Pada then in Navamsa it is in Cancer
      Saturn in Scorpio Sign Kettai Nakshatra 2 Pada then in Navamsa its in Capricorn

For Dwi-Swabhav Rasi (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces)  the first Navamsa will start from the 5th sign.
Check the image below you can find easily the Navamsa
E.g Sun in Virgo Sign Hasta Nashatra 2 pada then in Navamsa its in  Taurus Navamsa

Each sign has 2 1/2 Nakshatras. Each Nakshatra has four padas. 1 padam =3.33 degress. where some nakshatra padas may fall in two different signs
E.g Mirugasira has four padas. Pada's 1,2 fall in Taurus sign & Pada's 3,4 fall in  Gemini Sign

Lets construct Navamsa Chart for given planetary position

Lagna falls in Taurus sign Krittika Nakshatra 3 Pada
Sun in Cancer sign Ayilyam Nakshatra 2 Pada
Mercury in Virgo Sign Chitra Nakshatra 1 Pada
Moon in Rohini Nakshatra 3 Pada
Venus in Swati Nakshatra 4 Pada
Saturn in Moola Nakshtra 2 Pada
Jupiter in Magham Nakshatra 3 Pada
Mars in Anusha Nakshatra 1 Pada

Lagna falls  Krittika Nakshatra 3 Pada--->see it in the pciture--> indicated black which belongs to Aquaris Navamsa

Sun in Ayilyam nakshatra 2 pada--->see it in the pciture--> indicated black which belongs to Capricorn

Mercury in Chitra Nakshatra 1 Pada-->see it in the pciture--> indicated orange which belongs to Leo Navamsa

Moon in Rohini Nakshatra 3 Pada-->see it in the pciture--> belongs to Gemini Navamsa

Venus in Swati Nakshatra 4 Pada--->see it in the pciture--> belongs to Pisces Navamsa

Saturn in Moola Nakshtra 2 Pada--->see it in the pciture--> belongs to Taurus Navamsa

Jupiter in Magham Nakshatra 3 Pada-->see it in the pciture--> belongs to Gemini Navamsa

Mars in Anusha Nakshatra 1 Pada-->see it in the pciture--> belongs to Leo Navamsa

Constructed Navamsa Chart is


  1. your number not in whatsapp

    "This coloiur denotes pushkar navamsa" - where is this color? cannot see this colour in the bove chart
    pls email


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