There are 12 Zodiac signs they are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquaris, Pisces.
There are 9 Planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu(Shadow planets). Each planet act as karaka(significator) for specific events. It’s listed in the picture.

Zodiac signs are classified based on the following

Male and Female signs
Fiery, Earth, Air and Water signs
Movable, Fixed and Common or dual signs
Fruitful and Barren signs
Voice and Mute sign
Bestial signs or Four Legged signs
Violent signs

Its shown in below picture. We will discuss more about details in the diagram later

Male and Female signs

Aries,Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagarittus and Aquaris -----à Male or Masculine or Positive signs
Taurus,Cancer,Virgo,Scorpio,Capricorn and Pisces---àFemale or Feminine or Negative signs
Male sign as Lagna born are Active, Bold and Assertive and they are capable to accomplish any task
Female sign Lagna born are Passive, Shy and Receptive
Male sign lagna born are lucky when compared to Female sign born since they are active and  get things done quickly
A girl born in Male sign as lagna has Male characteristics whereas A boy born in Female sign as lagna may have female characteristics
5th House denotes the children’s--àif the 5th lord, house & Cusp falls in Male sign then child born mostly are boys
Planets in Male sign in their Dasa bhukthi will give Male child and Planets in female sign in their dasa bhukthi will bless female child

Fire,Earth,Air and Water Signs

Fire Signs are Aries, Leo and Sagarattius-à Those with Fiery sign as Lagna are Fearless, Confident and take independent decisions. They are very much capable to lead others. When working in corporate companies these people easily climb the ladder and occupy high positions. More planets fall in these Signs and more they give fiery nature to the native.
Earth Sign are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn-àThose who have Earthy signs as Lagna will act slowly. They are very cautious and careful. They have stubborn attitude, if they take some activity they will not sleep until it’s finished. They are secretive and reserved. The human nervous system is related to these zodiac signs
Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquaris-àThose who have these signs as Lagna have good nature. They have innovative mind. They have curiosity to learn new things. They are artistic nature and love music. They are workaholic and serves nervous troubles. These three signs are related to brain and if these signs happens to be the 10th house they are most suited for research oriented jobs, poets, novelists, inventors, artists, software programmers and Lawyers.
Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, Piscesà Those people who have lagna as water signs are shy, psychic, sensitive and often lacks energy. These signs are fertile signs and they have good imagination. If the 10th house happens to be these signs they will work in water related jobs(Oil refinery industry, Textile industry, Cool drinks

Movable Fixed Common

Movable or Chara Sign: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn: These sign people tend to have challenging atmosphere and they get bored over a routine life. They show enterprising nature and they rise in life sooner or later. They are active, independent and they want to be boss and don’t want to work under others. If these signs happen to be 2nd house they don’t have fixed income, sometimes there is huge cash flow and other time they have less amount.
Fixed or Sthira Sign: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquaris: They show very determined will. Once they form an opinion on anything, they will stand by it. These native are fond of comfort, Luxury and they want to enjoy life to the fullest. In the negative side they are unrelenting and unbending. If the 2nd House falls in fixed sign they have fixed income and usually they earn through authoritative influence.
Common or dual sign: Gemini, Virgo, Sagarittus and Pisces: They are very flexible people. They don’t have a strong will and so change their opinion constantly. They are sensitive, sympathetic, versatile and changeful nature. They lack direction and so work under somebody. They are jack of all trades but not master in it.

Fruitful and Barren signs:

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are Fruitful signs. Taurus, Libra, Sagarittus and Capricorn are semi fruitful. Take a couple who haven’t yet had a child and if the 5th house happens to be fruitful sign they definitely will have a child. More planets in fruitful signs indicates more fertility.
Aries, Gemini, Leo and Virgo are barren sign: If the 5th house falls in barren sign and 5th lord also in barren sign then chance to have child is very less.

Voice and Mute sign:
Airy signs Gemini, Libra, Aquaris are voice signs. If the 2nd house falls in voice sign, 2nd lord and Mercury are not afflicted then he should be a good speaker.
All watery signs are mute signs. If the 2nd house falls in mute sign, 2nd lord and mercury are afflicted then the person will have stammering problem

Bestial and Four Legged signs:

4th house denotes the vehicles the person will have. If the 4th  House falls in bestial sign then person will have two wheeler in the dasa bhukthi of the planet. If the 4th house is a Four legged sign then the person will have 4 wheeler.

Violent Signs:

Aries and Scorpio are violent signs. They have fearless attitude since Mars is there lord.


  1. Cancer is a Cancer zodiac sign that we are dealing with here. As I said before, this is a very serious sign and there are many reasons why people go with this zodiac sign. Source for more about cancer zodiac facts.


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