My View on Astrology

My curiosity on astrology developed during my childhood days. In most of the regional magazines, definitely a section allotted for astrology. My mother used to read tamil magazines and she will keep me informed about my zodiac sign. Few times they would match and wouldn’t match most of the times. I would explain why it wouldn’t match if you go general by rasi sign in future discussions. Also they would consult an astrologer to know few things and I was wondering how could by birth time they are able to tell future of an individual. So my curiosity is slowly increasing whenever astrology is used or discussed.

I finished my college and got a job. As I was having tight schedules am unable to explore other things in my first company. Got time in second company to go through the basic of Astrology and able to get my fellow colleagues Birth time. Able to practice for three years and get to know Rasi and Navamsa Chart.

Let me explain on how could birth time predict the future of the individual. SUN is the only god we are able to see. He showers with his rays for every organism to live. Earth follows an elliptical orbit around the SUN. There are several suns and they are far away from earth. As Earth orbits around the sun, our exposure to SUN also varies with place and also do the cosmic rays received from Other SUNS. Take for example, person born in April in India Tamil nadu. From birth itself he receives a maximum Sunlight as it’s a summer and very hot. Our ancestors recorded the birth of large number of individuals, they observed them as they grow and recorded the happening in their life. They analyzed for several birth charts and came to a conclusion and produced set of rules. So by birth itself those who are born in April are very active and these people when participate in sports will do well than others. Take for those born in November, these people are by birth great thinkers. Can excel in the field of Writing. So Astrology can predict Nature of an individual whether active or slow.

Our ancestors classified divided time and assigned Planet which might influence the particular period. So depending on the planet which controls the particular time and their movement able to come for conclusions.

My opinion is Nature of Individual can easily predict by using Birth time. Using his nature and hidden strength from Rasi and Navamsa, one can predict how an Individual can shine in future.


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